Test case design methods for OO software are still evolving. However, an overall approach to OO test case design has been defined by Berard...
Test case design methods for OO software are still evolving. However, an overall approach to OO test case design has been defined by Berard :
1. Each test case should be uniquely identified and explicitly associated with the class to be tested.
2. The purpose of the test should be stated.
3. A list of testing steps should be developed for each test and should contain:
a. A list of specified states for the object that is to be tested.
b. A list of messages and operations that will be exercised as a consequence of the test.
c. A list of exceptions that may occur as the object is tested.
d. A list of external conditions (i.e., changes in the environment external to the software that must exist in order to properly conduct the test).
e. Supplementary information that will aid in understanding or implementing the test.
Unlike conventional test case design, which is driven by an input-process-output view of software or the algorithmic detail of individual modules, object-oriented testing focuses on designing appropriate sequences of operations to exercise the states of a class.
The Test Case Design Implications of OO Concepts
The OO class is the target for test case design. Because attributes and operations are encapsulated, testing operations outside of the class is generally unproductive. Although encapsulation is an essential design concept for OO, it can create a minor obstacle when testing. As Binder notes, “Testing requires reporting on the concrete and abstract state of an object.” Yet, encapsulation can make this information somewhat difficult to obtain. Unless built-in operations are provided to report the values for class attributes, a snapshot of the state of an object may be difficult to acquire.
Inheritance also leads to additional challenges for the test case designer. We have already noted that each new context of usage requires retesting, even though reuse has been achieved. In addition, multiple inheritance complicates testing further by increasing the number of contexts for which testing is required. If subclasses instantiated from a superclass are used within the same problem domain, it is likely that the set of test cases derived for the superclass can be used when testing the subclass. However, if the subclass is used in an entirely different context, the superclass test cases will have little applicability and a new set of tests must be designed.
Applicability of Conventional Test Case Design Methods
The white-box testing methods can be applied to the operations defined for a class. Basis path, loop testing, or data flow techniques can help to ensure that every statement in an operation has been tested. However, the concise structure of many class operations causes some to argue that the effort applied to white-box testing might be better redirected to tests at a class level.
Black-box testing methods are as appropriate for OO systems as they are for systems developed using conventional software engineering methods. Use-cases can provide useful input in the design of black-box and state-based tests .
Fault-Based Testing
The object of fault-based testing within an OO system is to design tests that have a high likelihood of uncovering plausible faults. Because the product or system must conform to customer requirements, the preliminary planning required to perform faultbased testing begins with the analysis model. The tester looks for plausible faults (i.e., aspects of the implementation of the system that may result in defects). To determine whether these faults exist, test cases are designed to exercise the design or code.
Consider a simple example.5 Software engineers often make errors at the boundaries of a problem. For example, when testing a SQRT operation that returns errors for negative numbers, we know to try the boundaries: a negative number close to zero and zero itself. "Zero itself" checks whether the programmer made a mistake like
if (x > 0) calculate_the_square_root();
instead of the correct
if (x >= 0) calculate_the_square_root();
As another example, consider a Boolean expression:
if (a && !b || c)
Multicondition testing and related techniques probe for certain plausible faults in this expression, such as
&& should be ||
! was left out where it was needed There should be parentheses around !b || c
For each plausible fault, we design test cases that will force the incorrect expression to fail. In the previous expression, (a=0, b=0, c=0) will make the expression as given evaluate false. If the && should have been ||, the code has done the wrong thing and might branch to the wrong path.
Of course, the effectiveness of these techniques depends on how testers perceive a "plausible fault." If real faults in an OO system are perceived to be "implausible," then this approach is really no better than any random testing technique. However, if the analysis and design models can provide insight into what is likely to go wrong, then fault-based testing can find significant numbers of errors with relatively low expenditures of effort.
Integration testing looks for plausible faults in operation calls or message connections. Three types of faults are encountered in this context: unexpected result, wrong operation/message used, incorrect invocation. To determine plausible faults as functions (operations) are invoked, the behavior of the operation must be examined.
Integration testing applies to attributes as well as to operations. The "behaviors" of an object are defined by the values that its attributes are assigned. Testing should exercise the attributes to determine whether proper values occur for distinct types of object behavior.
It is important to note that integration testing attempts to find errors in the client object, not the server. Stated in conventional terms, the focus of integration testing is to determine whether errors exist in the calling code, not the called code. The operation call is used as a clue, a way to find test requirements that exercise the calling code.
The Impact of OO Programming on Testing
There are several ways object-oriented programming can have an impact on testing. Depending on the approach to OOP,
• Some types of faults become less plausible (not worth testing for).
• Some types of faults become more plausible (worth testing now).
• Some new types of faults appear.
When an operation is invoked, it may be hard to tell exactly what code gets exercised. That is, the operation may belong to one of many classes. Also, it can be hard to determine the exact type or class of a parameter. When the code accesses it, it may get an unexpected value. The difference can be understood by considering a conventional function call:
x = func (y);
For conventional software, the tester need consider all behaviors attributed to func and nothing more. In an OO context, the tester must consider the behaviors of base::func(), of derived::func(), and so on. Each time func is invoked, the tester must consider the union of all distinct behaviors. This is easier if good OO design practices are followed and the difference between superclasses and subclasses (in C++ jargon, these are called base classes and derived classes) are limited. The testing approach for base and derived classes is essentially the same. The difference is one of bookkeeping.
Testing OO class operations is analogous to testing code that takes a function parameter and then invokes it. Inheritance is a convenient way of producing polymorphic operations. At the call site, what matters is not the inheritance, but the polymorphism. Inheritance does make the search for test requirements more straightforward.
By virtue of OO software architecture and construction, are some types of faults more plausible for an OO system and others less plausible? The answer is, “Yes.” For example, because OO operations are generally smaller, more time tends to be spent on integration because there are more opportunities for integration faults. Therefore, integration faults become more plausible.
Test Cases and the Class Hierarchy
Inheritance does not obviate the need for thorough testing of all derived classes. In fact, it can actually complicate the testing process.
Consider the following situation. A class base contains operations inherited and redefined. A class derived redefines redefined to serve in a local context. There is little doubt the derived::redefined() has to be tested because it represents a new design and new code. But does derived::inherited() have to be retested?
If derived::inherited() calls redefined and the behavior of redefined has changed, derived::inherited() may mishandle the new behavior. Therefore, it needs new tests even though the design and code have not changed. It is important to note, however, that only a subset of all tests for derived::inherited() may have to be conducted. If part of the design and code for inherited does not depend on redefined (i.e., that does not call it nor call any code that indirectly calls it), that code need not be retested in the derived class.
Base::redefined() and derived::redefined() are two different operations with different specifications and implementations. Each would have a set of test requirements derived from the specification and implementation. Those test requirements probe for plausible faults: integration faults, condition faults, boundary faults, and so forth. But the operations are likely to be similar. Their sets of test requirements will overlap. The better the OO design, the greater is the overlap. New tests need to be derived only for those derived::redefined() requirements that are not satisfied by the base::redefined() tests.
To summarize, the base::redefined() tests are applied to objects of class derived.Test inputs may be appropriate for both base and derived classes, but the expected results may differ in the derived class.
Scenario-Based Test Design
Fault-based testing misses two main types of errors: (1) incorrect specifications and (2) interactions among subsystems. When errors associated with incorrect specification occur, the product doesn't do what the customer wants. It might do the wrong thing or it might omit important functionality. But in either circumstance, quality (conformance to requirements) suffers. Errors associated with subsystem interaction occur when the behavior of one subsystem creates circumstances (e.g., events, data flow) that cause another subsystem to fail.
Scenario-based testing concentrates on what the user does, not what the product does. This means capturing the tasks (via use-cases) that the user has to perform, then applying them and their variants as tests.
Scenarios uncover interaction errors. But to accomplish this, test cases must be more complex and more realistic than fault-based tests. Scenario-based testing tends to exercise multiple subsystems in a single test (users do not limit themselves to the use of one subsystem at a time).
As an example, consider the design of scenario-based tests for a text editor. Use cases follow:
Use-Case: Fix the Final Draft
Background: It's not unusual to print the "final" draft, read it, and discover some annoying errors that weren't obvious from the on-screen image. This use-case describes the sequence of events that occurs when this happens.
1. Print the entire document.
2. Move around in the document, changing certain pages.
3. As each page is changed, it's printed.
4. Sometimes a series of pages is printed.
This scenario describes two things: a test and specific user needs. The user needs are obvious: (1) a method for printing single pages and (2) a method for printing a range of pages. As far as testing goes, there is a need to test editing after printing (as well as the reverse). The tester hopes to discover that the printing function causes errors in the editing function; that is, that the two software functions are not properly independent.
Use-Case: Print a New Copy
Background: Someone asks the user for a fresh copy of the document. It must be printed.
1. Open the document.
2. Print it.
3. Close the document.
Again, the testing approach is relatively obvious. Except that this document didn't appear out of nowhere. It was created in an earlier task. Does that task affect this one?
In many modern editors, documents remember how they were last printed. By default, they print the same way next time. After the Fix the Final Draft scenario, just selecting "Print" in the menu and clicking the "Print" button in the dialog box will cause the last corrected page to print again. So, according to the editor, the correct scenario should look like this:
Use-Case: Print a New Copy
1. Open the document.
2. Select "Print" in the menu.
3. Check if you're printing a page range; if so, click to print the entire document.
4. Click on the Print button.
5. Close the document.
1. Open the document.
2. Select "Print" in the menu.
3. Check if you're printing a page range; if so, click to print the entire document.
4. Click on the Print button.
5. Close the document.
But this scenario indicates a potential specification error. The editor does not do what the user reasonably expects it to do. Customers will often overlook the check noted in step 3 above. They will then be annoyed when they trot off to the printer and find one page when they wanted 100. Annoyed customers signal specification bugs.
A test case designer might miss this dependency in test design, but it is likely that the problem would surface during testing. The tester would then have to contend with the probable response, "That's the way it's supposed to work!"
Testing Surface Structure and Deep Structure
Surface structure refers to the externally observable structure of an OO program. That is, the structure that is immediately obvious to an end-user. Rather than performing functions, the users of many OO systems may be given objects to manipulate in some way. But whatever the interface, tests are still based on user tasks. Capturing these tasks involves understanding, watching, and talking with representative users (and as many nonrepresentative users as are worth considering).
There will surely be some difference in detail. For example, in a conventional system with a command-oriented interface, the user might use the list of all commands as a testing checklist. If no test scenarios existed to exercise a command, testing has likely overlooked some user tasks (or the interface has useless commands). In a objectbased interface, the tester might use the list of all objects as a testing checklist.
The best tests are derived when the designer looks at the system in a new or unconventional way. For example, if the system or product has a command-based interface, more thorough tests will be derived if the test case designer pretends that operations are independent of objects. Ask questions like, “Might the user want to use this operation—which applies only to the Scanner object—while working with the printer?" Whatever the interface style, test case design that exercises the surface structure should use both objects and operations as clues leading to overlooked tasks.
Deep structure refers to the internal technical details of an OO program. That is, the structure that is understood by examining the design and/or code. Deep structure testing is designed to exercise dependencies, behaviors, and communication mechanisms that have been established as part of the system and object design of OO software.
The analysis and design models are used as the basis for deep structure testing. For example, the object-relationship diagram or the subsystem collaboration diagram depicts collaborations between objects and subsystems that may not be externally visible. The test case design then asks: “Have we captured (as a test) some task that exercises the collaboration noted on the object-relationship diagram or the subsystem collaboration diagram? If not, why not?”
Design representations of class hierarchy provide insight into inheritance structure. Inheritance structure is used in fault-based testing.