Software Engineering-Object Oriented Testing Strategies

The classical strategy for testing computer software begins with “testing in the small” and works outward toward “testing in the large.” St...

The classical strategy for testing computer software begins with “testing in the small” and works outward toward “testing in the large.” Stated in the jargon of software testing , we begin with unit testing, then progress toward integration testing, and culminate with validation and system testing. In conventional applications, unit testing focuses on the smallest compilable program unit—the subprogram (e.g., module, subroutine, procedure, component). Once each of these units has been tested individually, it is integrated into a program structure while a series of regression tests are run to uncover errors due to interfacing between the modules and side effects caused by the addition of new units. Finally, the system as a whole is tested to ensure that errors in requirements are uncovered.

Unit Testing in the OO Context

When object-oriented software is considered, the concept of the unit changes. Encapsulation drives the definition of classes and objects. This means that each class and each instance of a class (object) packages attributes (data) and the operations (also known as methods or services) that manipulate these data. Rather than testing an individual module, the smallest testable unit is the encapsulated class or object. Because a class can contain a number of different operations and a particular operation may exist as part of a number of different classes, the meaning of unit testing changes dramatically.

We can no longer test a single operation in isolation (the conventional view of unit testing) but rather as part of a class. To illustrate, consider a class hierarchy in which an operation X is defined for the superclass and is inherited by a number of subclasses. Each subclass uses operation X, but it is applied within the context of the private attributes and operations that have been defined for the subclass. Because the context in which operation X is used varies in subtle ways, it is necessary to test operation X in the context of each of the subclasses. This means that testing operation X in a vacuum (the traditional unit testing approach) is ineffective in the object-oriented context.

Class testing for OO software is the equivalent of unit testing for conventional software. Unlike unit testing of conventional software, which tends to focus on the algorithmic detail of a module and the data that flow across the module interface, class testing for OO software is driven by the operations encapsulated by the class and the state behavior of the class.

Integration Testing in the OO Context

Because object-oriented software does not have a hierarchical control structure, conventional top-down and bottom-up integration strategies have little meaning. In addition, integrating operations one at a time into a class (the conventional incremental integration approach) is often impossible because of the “direct and indirect interactions of the components that make up the class”.

There are two different strategies for integration testing of OO systems . The first, thread-based testing, integrates the set of classes required to respond to one input or event for the system. Each thread is integrated and tested individually. Regression testing is applied to ensure that no side effects occur. The second integration approach, use-based testing, begins the construction of the system by testing those classes (called independent classes) that use very few (if any) of server classes. After the independent classes are tested, the next layer of classes, called dependent classes, that use the independent classes are tested. This sequence of testing layers of dependent lasses continues until the entire system is constructed. Unlike conventional integration, the use of drivers and stubs  as replacement operations is to be avoided, when possible.

Cluster testing  is one step in the integration testing of OO software. Here, a cluster of collaborating classes (determined by examining the CRC and object-relationship model) is exercised by designing test cases that attempt to uncover errors in the collaborations.

Validation Testing in an OO Context

At the validation or system level, the details of class connections disappear. Like conventional validation, the validation of OO software focuses on user-visible actions and user-recognizable output from the system. To assist in the derivation of validation tests, the tester should draw upon the use-cases that are part of the analysis model. The use-case provides a scenario that has a high likelihood of uncovered errors in user interaction requirements.

Conventional black-box testing methods can be used to drive validations tests. In addition, test cases may be derived from the object-behavior model and from event flow diagram created as part of OOA.

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Software Engineering-Object Oriented Testing Strategies
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