The PageCount property returns a long value that indicates the number of pages with data in a Recordset object. Tip: To divide the Recor...
The PageCount property returns a long value that indicates the number of pages with data in a Recordset object.
Tip: To divide the Recordset into a series of pages, use the PageSize property.
Note: If the last page contains fewer records than specified in PageSize, it still counts as an additional page in the PageCount property.
Note: If this method is not supported it returns -1.
objRecordset.PageCount |
<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb")) set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") sql="SELECT * FROM Customers" rs.Open sql,conn rs.PageSize=5 i=rs.PageCount response.write("The number of pages in RS=" & i) rs.Close conn.Close %> |
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