The IsolationLevel property sets or returns the isolation level of a Connection object. The value is an IsolationLevelEnum value. Default i...
The IsolationLevel property sets or returns the isolation level of a Connection object. The value is an IsolationLevelEnum value. Default is adXactChaos.
Note: The IsolationLevel settings will not work until next time BeginTrans is called.
objconn.IsolationLevel |
<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.IsolationLevel=adXactIsolated conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb")) response.write(conn.IsolationLevel) conn.Close %> |
Constant | Value | Description |
adXactUnspecified | -1 | Cannot use the specified isolation level, because the provider is using a different isolation level, and that level cannot be determined. |
adXactChaos | 16 | Cannot overwrite higher level transactions. |
adXactBrowse | 256 | Can view uncommitted changes in other transactions. |
adXactReadUncommitted | 256 | Same as adXactBrowse. |
adXactCursorStability | 4096 | Can view committed changes in other transactions. |
adXactReadCommitted | 4096 | Same as adXactCursorStability. |
adXactRepeatableRead | 65536 | Cannot see changes in other transactions, but you can requery |
adXactIsolated | 1048576 | Your transactions are isolated from all other transactions. |
adXactSerializable | 1048576 | Same as adXactIsolated. |
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