The Sort property sets or returns a string value that specifies the field names in the Recordset to sort on. Each field name must be separa...
The Sort property sets or returns a string value that specifies the field names in the Recordset to sort on. Each field name must be separated by a comma. To choose the sort order, you can specify ASC (ascending order), or DESC (descending order) after the field name. Default is ASC.
Note: This property can only be used if the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient.
Tip: If you set this property to an empty string (rs.Sort="") it will reset the records to their original order.
objRecordset.Sort |
<% rs.Sort="CompanyName,ContactName" %>or <% rs.Sort="CompanyName DESC,ContactName" %>or <% rs.Sort="CompanyName,ContactName,[Ship Address]" %> |