The OriginalValue property returns a variant that contains the field value as it existed right after the last Update or UpdateBatch method...
The OriginalValue property returns a variant that contains the field value as it existed right after the last Update or UpdateBatch method call.
The UnderlyingValue property returns a variant that contains the current value of a field. This value does not necessarily show changes made by other users and may not be the latest value.
Tip: Use the Resync property of the Recordset object to get the latest values for all of the Field objects in the Fields Collection.
Tip: These properties can be used together to prevent update conflicts.
objField.OriginalValue objField.UnderlyingValue |
<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb" set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "customers", conn set objfield=rs.fields("companyname") 'Some code.................. 'Check for changes rs.movefirst while rs.eof=false if objfield.OriginalValue<>objfield.UnderlyingValue then response.write("Data has changed!<br />") response.write("Original value: ") response.write(objfield.OriginalValue & "<br />") response.write("Current value: ") response.write(objfield.UnderlyingValue & "<br />") end if rs.movenext next 'More code................... rs.Close conn.close %> |