The Bookmark property specifies a bookmark. The bookmark saves the position of the current record. To save the bookmark for the current re...
The Bookmark property specifies a bookmark. The bookmark saves the position of the current record.
To save the bookmark for the current record, assign the value of the Bookmark property to a variable. To return to the "bookmarked" record, set the Bookmark property to the value of that variable.
Note: The Bookmark property is available only in Recordset objects that support bookmarks.
objRecordset.Bookmark |
<% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open(Server.Mappath("northwind.mdb")) set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") sql="SELECT Companyname, Contactname FROM Customers" rs.Open sql, conn rs.MoveFirst 'Store bookmark of the current record bkmark=rs.Bookmark rs.MoveLast 'Go to the bookmarked record rs.Bookmark=bkmark rs.Close conn.Close %> |